Monday, February 23, 2009

All I want for Easter... my two bottom teeth! Exactly one month ago, Bethany lost her first tooth. Today she lost her second one! Her first one was literally pushed out by another tooth you could clearly see just behind it (they call it a shark tooth, because of the rows of teeth that sharks have). So, you could hardly tell that she even lost a tooth! She was excited to use the dollar the Tooth Fairy brought her to buy a new pair of purple sunglasses at the dollar spot at Target. Almost immediately, the second tooth started to wiggle and today as I watched her pushing it horizontal with her tongue, I said, "Bethany, let's pull your tooth!" She looked at me, started pushing her tooth with her tongue and then reached up and took it out of her mouth! So, here are the pics!

1 comment:

Jill Hardin said...

BETHANY! Way to go, girl! You are so brave for pulling your own tooth! And your new big girl teeth are amazing! Congrats! I want to see a picture of you in your new super cool shades.....