What motivated me, really, was the super fun day the kids and I spent with Joel's parents, aka Bill and Lynna, aka Grandma and Granddad. Joel left for Ukraine on Thursday for a missions trip with some folks from church and Bill and Lynna accepted my invitation to come rescue my lonely self for a few days. They came mainly to celebrate Anna and Katherine's 6th - yes, I said 6th - birthday which is on Monday. Shortly after they arrived today, they were treated to a fun little play involving, if I remember right, a narrator (B), a dancer named Emily (A), a mouse named Squeaky (K) and a skirt-wearing cat named Furry (M). It was quite the hit and Hollywood has been calling all evening, as if we need more chaos in our lives....
After the applause died down, we saddled up and went out to Country Sun Farm, one of our favorite fall things to do here in MN. They have lots of animals to feed, a corn maze to tromp through, a hay ride and, of course, pumpkins. Micah and Bethany were pumped to do the corn maze while Anna and Katherine (much to Grandma and Granddad's shivering delight) opted to ride 50 cent rides in the heated pumpkin greenhouse. Once reunited, everyone chose a pumpkin to paint (another tradition we have around here...I'll have to post a picture of B's Gonzo pumpkin from last year...) and one large one to carve.

After that, we joined the throngs of people who think it's a good idea to eat at Red Robin on a Saturday night. In spite of quite a long wait, we had a lovely, relaxed meal together, complete with free sundaes for the birthday girls (it was Grandma's birthday today).
It was just one of those days that one could call delightful. Yay.