Well, today was a super exciting day in two Lawrence households. Preston and Madison were awakened at about 5.30 am (Preston says it was exactly 5.37 am) to the news that they were flying to Minnesota to spend Spring Break with their cousins! And our girls, who were privy to the plan since its inception, have been gearing up for a week for their arrival. (We discovered that for our girls, building up the big day is more fun than being surprised. The last time Preston and Madison came up, I surprised the girls and when we walked in from the airport, they stood there dumbfounded so it was kind of anticlimactic!) And it was a super special day because Madison turned 4 today - YAY, MADISON! So the girls and I had fun decorating - Madison had requested a Hello Kitty theme - and making a special Hello Kitty cake. So, here are a few pictures from our first fun day together. I hope to put up a slideshow soon of the rest of the festivities. (And, yes, little Micah was in the van too; you can just make out his little foot right beside Bethany, poor thing!)